Friday, December 26, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008
New Year

Sunday, November 9, 2008
New President! Yes we can and did.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Bad and Good New

Bad New: The big New to Me event of the past 2 weeks is learning that I am allergic to cats and dogs and this is causing me to have asthma. Since this was a complete surprise, I will never know if I've had these allergies my whole life or if they developed recently. So far I've learned that the most allergen-producing dogs and cats are males with black fur and dogs with double coats (such as German or Dutch Shepherds). Check, check, check. That pretty much sums up the animals I've been exposing myself to lately. So I've been struggling with the emotional consequences of not touching or sleeping in bed with my favorite animals and with finding the right combination of medications so that I can give my co-workers a break from these 6 weeks of coughing. I'll keep you posted. See left for cutest kitty ever: Chloe.
Friday, October 3, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Campus Ecology
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Top Nine

The last 2 weeks were a vicious cycle of thinking I'm over this annoying cold and doing more new things, then feeling more sick and so on with the ultimate result of no blogging. Top 9 New Highlights:
Monday, September 8, 2008
First Fundraiser

Earlier this summer, TAB and I came up with the idea to host our first Architecture for Humanity Minnesota fundraiser to raise $ to build the lockers that were designed at the Search for Shelter charrette. Fundraising is definitely New to Me. Now the event is almost here, and TAB and Erin have done most of the work in pulling this together. We've already had an amazing $1000 donation from Angie's organization, the Family Housing Fund, so I totally feel like the project will be a success. Several artists have generously donated their work for the silent auction. Aviette, Derailleur, The Serfs, and DJ's Christian Fritz and Terrence Jerome have all offered to play the event. It should be a great time, and I hope you can be there!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Catching Up

When the Olympics ended, I had so much catching up to do with New items that I did not have time to blog. Now, stuck in bed with a cold, I am able to note the New highlights of the past 2 weeks:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Juxtaposition Arts
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Summer Continued
Monday, August 11, 2008
Beijing 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Guest Blog
This week I returned to the New to Me project with enthusiasm. Week in review:
Sunday: Learned how to make cornbread in an iron skillet on the grill - yum
Monday: Finally got around to doing something I've been meaning to try for years: the Walker's Summer Music and Movies. All the urban hipsters collected in Loring Park to listen to live music and whisper through old black & white films.
Tuesday: Angie and Marisa obliged me in trying a new restaurant before attending "The Government Inspector" so we selected Harry's Food and Cocktails. Let's just say that sometimes it is best to stick with old favorites.
Wednesday: For dinner before the (horrible) Twins v. White Sox game, Angie and I selected Matt's Bar after reading a recent detailed description in an email from my mom:
"Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl, food critic for Minnesota Monthly and also a Carleton grad, had written about all the best hamburgers in Minnesota. She wrote about Matt's Bar, "Matt's has been making these well-charred, unspeakably delicious Jucy Lucys, the best in the state--the best, no doubt, in the world--since, legend has it, 1954." Matt's is at 3500 Cedar Ave. so we drove over there from 2600 Park Ave. and ate Jucy Lucys and French fries in a very crowded small bar. Looking around, we seemed to fit in with the rest of the group. They don't use plates but wrap the hamburgers in paper. The fries were in a plastic basket. We drank natural lemonade in a bottle. According to the menu they do serve grilled cheese so you could go there with friends who like hamburgers. The middle of the hamburgers is filled with cheese which melts and with the first bite leaks out so is rather messy. We satisfied our hunger and had another nice outing."
I did enjoy my grilled cheese while watching the others devour Jucy Lucy's. Maybe my mom will start blogging too?
Thursday: Neither the Walker nor Solutions Twin Cities is New to Me, but Solutions for the Other 90% was a great new event. The presentation by Jeffrey and Alissa for our own group, Architecture for Humanity MN, even inspired me.
Friday: Took the day off and headed to Okoboji for our annual retreat at Sarah's cabin. Had a decent dinner at a new Boji restaurant: Kazarelli's. Their card states their Dock GPS (N 43 22.562 W 095 10.729) but no website. Fun to try a new place and a new beer: New Belgium's Summer Wheat - very nice and I thought I didn't like wheat beers! Now to relax some more...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
NEW York
This week I went on a work-sponsored trip to New York City where there were many New to Me opportunities! Click here for my photos.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Not New Two
I'm thinking about reducing the scale of this project. There are certain places I just love to go (especially in the summer), and I may just need to try a new thing at the old place. Last week:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Not New
Monday, July 7, 2008
Vacation in Minneapolis
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Top 5 Twins-Related Events This Weekend

A good chunk of my weekend was spent in the Metrodome watching the Twins v. Brewers series: Friday night (Twins win 7-6!) with Angie, Carl, and Marisa, and Sunday afternoon (Twins win 5-0!) with Tab. New for me this year is having season tickets - after some procrastinating and a phone call by a telemarketer (another new experience: actually conversing with one), Angie, Carl, and I bought the Flex 40 upper club option that allows us to attend any game with any number of people and have priority seating in the new ballpark. Although attending Twins games is not New to Me, I had the following new Twins-related experiences this weekend:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The New Acadia
Cottage Park BBQ
Architecture for Humanity Minnesota is the focus of my volunteer efforts. We have been active for about 2 1/2 years working on design projects locally and internationally. We are currently trying to find ways to continue work on the Northside of Minneapolis and recently made a connection with the Pohlad Family Foundation. This past Tuesday they invited us to a barbeque at Cottage Park, a place in Minneapolis that was new to me. The event brought together many people with connections to the neighborhood. The Ackerberg Group has worked to improve the park and several homes in the Jordan neighborhood. A really cool old church faces the park. It would be great to see this area revitalized. Hopefully AFH MN can find a way to help.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Three Restaurants

Kindee Thai, Spill the Wine, and al Vento were my three new (to me) restaurants this weekend. I should probably mention that my criteria for a great place is not necessarily the quality of the food. Atmosphere is at the top of my list (architects can't help it). Then having more than 1 vegetarian option and more than 1 good (dark and/or local) beer on tap. I especially appreciate good lighting - cool fixtures and not too bright. I'm sure my friends are tired of me complaining about restaurants being too well-lit. These 3 places all had good atmosphere in their own ways, and I liked them all well enough to recommend.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
You look very familiar
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New to Me
Last week I took a trip to Portland, OR to visit Ivona, Claire, Rachel, and Kara. I love Minneapolis, but over the four short days, there were many times when i was envious of Portland's abundance of cool places: neighborhoods, restaurants, bars, bookstores, walkable streets. Claire has only lived there 1 year and has a project to go on Saturday Adventures every week to new places around the city. On the way back to Msp, I vowed to start exploring my city as if I've just moved here. When a new place opens, I'm always excited to try it, but I often forget about the places that I pass every day never try.