I first learned of Barack Obama from my friend Mala who often spoke about her incredible Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago. Later came his 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address "The Audacity of Hope" and suddenly everyone was talking about the man who would someday lead our country. Then I read his two books and was so interested in the stories of his family and commitment to community organizing in "Dreams from My Father" and his values and view of America in "The Audacity of Hope". If you haven't yet read his memoir, I was going to suggest buying it right now but see that it is sold out everywhere!
I am not an Obama supporter because I agree with all of his political positions. Throughout the campaign, my ultra-liberalism has come out many times as I've been frustrated by what I consider to be his moderate positions especially on the environment and gay marriage. But his message of HOPE is what I need to pull out of the FEAR message of the past 8 years. Since the Wellstones were killed in the plane crash, I have barely listened to the news for fear of the next horrible act of the current administration. Obama gives me hope that every day will now be better, that the world's perception of the U.S. can be positive again, that racial stereotypes will change.
On Election Night, Erin, Sheila, and I went to Policy and a Pint (New to Us) at MPR to watch the returns on large screens with great food and Summit for only $10. A really fun time, i would definitely recommend trying another Citizens League event. The countdown to 10:00 when the west coast posted their returns was like New Year's! And then in a second, the left coast turned blue on the screen, and the 8 worst years of my lifetime were over. There was nothing to do but cry. We listened to McCain's speech on they way home, and I thought it was very good (except for the background boo-ing). I watched Obama's speech at home with just my kitties and friends by text, and cried with happiness through the whole thing (especially the part about the new puppy!). Change has come to America!
As you may know, Angie and I have a Presidential Bookclub and are working our way through the biographies of all of the American Presidents. Currently we are bogged down in John Tyler but someday we'll get to the 44th! Along those lines, I was super excited to see this New to Me exhibition at the Weisman this week:Hindsight is Always 20/20. The text is fascinating, and I can't stop thinking about the giant TERROR from Bush's legacy. Check it out before January 4th. In 8 more years our new President's message will be added: HOPE.
1 comment:
Hey! I have a video of Mala on What Not to Wear!
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